The first widely released results of Mr. Hubbard’s researches did not lie in Scientology, however, but in another field of endeavor: “Dianetics.” The word Dianetics comes from the Greek words dia, meaning “through” and nous, meaning “mind or soul,” and is defined as “what the mind (or soul) is doing to the body.”
Dianetics constituted L. Ron Hubbard’s first breakthrough. And it was his initial discoveries in this area that led to further researches and the exact isolation of the source of life itself.
Man does not have a spirit. He is a spirit. He has a mind and he has a body. Dianetics addresses and handles the effects of the spirit on the body. Dianetics thus helps provide relief from unwanted sensations and emotions, accidents and psychosomatic illnesses (ailments caused or aggravated by mental stress).
The word Scientology is taken from the Latin scio, which means “knowing, in the fullest sense of the word,” and the Greek word logos, meaning “study of.” It literally means knowing how to know. Scientology itself is defined as “the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.”
Scientology addresses the spiritual being. It directly raises his awareness and ability. And by so doing, he also becomes increasingly able to overcome the negative factors that impair him.
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