Friday, May 16, 2008

Human Rights Bloggers

Every once in a while there's something so cool in the blogosphere, that is a phenomenon that could never have taken place without the Internet, and one such is the blogging for human rights.

Blog Catalog has been promoting to have bloggers speak up for human rights. This is part of their activism, which they describe is follows:

Bloggers Unite is an initiative designed to harness the power of the blogosphere to make the world a better place. By challenging bloggers to blog about a particular social cause on a single day, a single voice can be joined with thousands of others to help make a real positive difference...

Then any blogger who blogs for that issue can post their blog on this web site and it forms an instant community, and real solidarity for the issue.

This week was Human Rights blogging. Such a valuable message and such a great idea!
I support Youth for Human Rights, as I believe education is the way to change the attitudes that either support human rights, deny and prevent them, or neglect and ignore the entire issue. Knowedge is power.

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