Monday, August 10, 2009

Church of Scientology of Cincinnati Help Kids Make the Right Decision about Drugs

Cincinnati kids helping kids decide to be drug-free.

The Church of Scientology of Cincinnati sponsors a chapter of the Drug-Free Marshals, where kids help other kids learn the truth about drugs and make informed decisions to stay drug-free.

For the past 16 years, Scientology churches around the world have sponsored Drug-Free Marshals chapters. The Marshals pledge to live drug-free lives and help their friends and family make the same decisions.

With the recent publication of statistics showing use of alcohol and marijuana in Cincinnati to be down by 33%, young Cincinnati Scientologists are proud of the work they have done to help accomplish this result.

L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “People mistakenly believe they ‘feel better’ or ‘act better’ or are ‘only happy’ when on drugs. This is just another delusion. Sooner or later the drugs will destroy them physically.” The Drug-Free Marshals of Cincinnati distribute booklets with the truth about drugs to help kids avoid the tragedy of drug abuse and addiction.

For more information on the work the Church of Scientology does to combat the drug problem, visit the Scientology web site.

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