Tuesday, June 10, 2008

China Picking Up the Pieces

In the news today, China has 5 million homeless in the wake of last month's massive earthquake.
According to the story I read just now "Beijing’s announcement last week that some 15.5 million people have been “relocated” because of the quake."

Some of my friends who are Scientology Volunteer Ministers are in China to help with the relief effort and what I hear from them, you can't even begin to conceive the amount of devastation the Chinese people are having to confront.

It's hard to believe that with all this going on the Olympics set to begin in 2 months.

Scientology Basics

On another subject entirely, I've been continuing my study of Scientology with the Basic Books and Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard . These are the materials that were released almost a year ago at an international event, by David Miscavige. And if anyone reading my blog has any concern about being able to get through these materials (since they are really extensive) there's a good solution to that in Study Technology. You can actually take a free course in Study Tech online at the Scientology Volunteer Ministers web site.